I've spent many weeks on composing it, sampling the sounds, etc, etc.
that's way I want to release it into Shareware, with a really irrilevant fee.
YES, you can release into shareware also music and whatever you feel to.
To listen to this you need a player like "The SoundTrecker" by Frank Seide
or any other which support amiga .mod files. There are a lot of good ones
So if you listen to this piece of music for more than 1 week and you'd like me to compose some more, send me you name, address plus $5 (U.S.Dollars only) or 8000 italian lires to become a "registered listener"! I know it sound really weird but it's like this.
Mac programmers may also send a registered version of one utility of theirs, it would be very very appreciated instead of the money...
You may also add $15 (or 20000 italian lires) if you want to receive one disk filled up with other modules composed by me (I'll include the disk).
I thank you for your honestly.
If you instead want to use this module for a game or another production
we can talk about it. Leave me a mail (read below where) or send your request via ordinary mail, including a SAE (Self Addressed Envelope) or a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) if you live in Italy.
I'm also able to send fax-similes (Italian numbers please!), but NOT to receive any.
Watch out for more .mods I'm going to release in a few days.